Note to Self

Why Reflecting is Important

I’m so busy throughout the day, that I often forget to stop and reflect on what I’m grateful for. I breathe shallow and I’m often tense in the neck and shoulders. Right now, take a moment to notice any tension you might be holding onto in your body and release it. 

My mind ignores the tension to focus on what is seemingly important at the moment. I can’t sit back and collect money for doing nothing, so my day to day work easily becomes overwhelming without acknowledging it as stress.

I get used to the shoulder pain, back pain and the eye strain to get work done. 

Day after day

I hardly stop and breathe, drink water, and reflect on the absurd odds  of being alive and here now. Before I fall asleep I sometimes start thinking of who I’m grateful for. It helps me fall asleep, but it also humbles my future expectations of myself.

I remember hearing somewhere that you shouldn’t set a time frame for your goals because it can blind you from the opportunities presenting themselves to you now. 

Imagine setting a goal for X to happen in 5 years, and ignoring Y & Z opportunities right now because you’re too focused on X. The point is, it’s good to set goals, but don’t miss opportunities. 

Lowering your expectations lowers your stress.

I have a very care free attitude because I’ve learned how stress does not treat me well. If something is stressing you out, change your perspective. If you can’t change your perspective make a decision, take action.

Light an incense maybe?

Reflecting can open up a lot of questions about your demeanor that you hardly realize. Your outwardly appearance and attitude are malleable, meaning they can change and should change with new information and longer reflections.

Some of us are afraid of change, it feels programmed into us in some way. If you’re afraid of something, run toward it. It’s usually nothing, and reflecting has shown me that.

I was afraid to speak up about something recently, and when I did I was surprised by their reaction. Some things need to be done I’m not comfortable with, but I can learn from doing. 

Having a positive point of view can seem naive, and at times it sounds arrogant and misinformed, but the purpose for a positive attitude is to manifest positive things in the future. Law of attraction will bite you in the ass whether you acknowledge you’re participating in its game or not. 

Reflect on your day, your week, last month or last year. Even more fun, reflect on your entire life. 

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
