Note to Self

How To Tell Your Friends You Started A Blog

I started a blog, obviously, but it’s weird telling my friends that I’m writing blog posts that I expect people to read. It’s like baking enough cookies for a party of 12, but it’s just you and me. I made too many cookies, or did I? 

Too many cookies bro
Guess I’m gonna just have to eat all of these

I’m telling people I’m starting a blog because I think it’s great practice to articulate my thoughts, but if I may go deeper then that, it’s because I can communicate through my higher self. 

Everyone Has A Higher Self

I’m not talking about my high self, when I smoke a bunch of weed and forget the sentence I just thought up, I’m referring to the subconscious. The elusive part of myself that is always retrieving data, storing it and guiding my intuition or my better nature. Not everyone’s subconscious is the same, so before you roll your eyes and think I’m just spouting out bull shit in my new blog I want to say that it’s a real guiding consciousness in our lives that we hardly are in contact with. 

Writing Puts Me In Contact With The Gods

Thank you for this flow

That sounds extreme, and it’s meant to, because well I’m writing a blog and I’m expecting you to be this far along and still holding your attention. However, if you’ve got an open mind, then you can imagine what I mean. The more freely you articulate your thoughts on paper or in a digital note pad, the more fluid wisdom just pours out. It’s almost like you’re accessing a part of your brain that you in 99% of your day you completely ignore. When I sit down and start to write about anything, I begin to type through this person that is talking to me, my conscious every day self. 

Kyle Meet Kyle 

We are constantly receiving information from all around us, like an antenna tuned into to a radio station. I believe that when I begin writing, I’m tuning the dial to this subconscious Kyle that doesn’t bother with greetings, it’s just like, “Duh, where have you been? You should go for a walk.”

I’m happy that I can talk through you Kyle, and I’m excited that I can wrap my mind around what this is now, I will go for a walk, thanks. 

Go for a walk
Go for a walk.

Be A Subscriber

I’m not shy like I used to be, so I’m going to directly ask you to subscribe to this blog. It’s full of important Me stuff, and information that you might be able to get some use out of as I continue to write.

I want to close this by saying that in order for me to keep this blog going, I’m going to have to remember one thing. Do not write for an audience, write for yourself. This is a blog intended for the conscious Kyle you see walking around society, skating down the street, playing a tune on a guitar. That Kyle needs some guidance and reassurance that he is on the right track, and to just relax, don’t stress, breathe, and make some damn money so you can get the hell out of Los Angeles already! 

Thanks for being a subscriber, if you have any comments leave them below, I know you have to have Facebook to leave a comment, so if you’re against Facebook, send me a DM on Instagram (A Facebook Company) @kyleknob or on Twitter @kylesshortcuts, thank you.